Thursday 7 February 2013

The Sub-Editor - The Origins Of Photography In Limericks


There was a young man called Daguerre
Who had talent, charisma and flair.
With a sensitised plate
He recorded the great
As they sat in his studio chair.

A competitor?

Well, that made Talbot sit up and think.
(He'd long tired of paper and ink.)
Photogenic drawing was taxing
His calotype needed waxing
But, at least, it produced lots of prints.

So, thank God for Frederick Scott Archer
Who cared little for patents or barter.
His wet-collodion on glass
Freed photography, at last.
He died in poverty: the fate of a martyr.

I am waiting for the next batch of proofs to correct. Proofs I re-wrote and, now, need to be re-edited - as soon as the authors return them to me.

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