Tuesday 6 May 2014

Stepping In The Salad (8)


'As he hung on the gorse I, too, felt some remorse. After all, it was he who had saved me. 

'So what was I doing considering death? It was he who had given me life when bereft. It was he who had shown me where happiness lay. (And, it was after all, such a beautiful day . . . )

'I said, "why not let go of that tree?".'

'Did he?' asked the Priestess.


'And, then as we sat on the cliff and ate lunch I put to him what, in effect, was a hunch. I said, "all would be well if we just kept on walking; just doing our thing" (which is moving and talking) . . .

"Consider the facts and, then, let's make a pact. There's no need for this Deep Misery. The joy we have found is both hallowed and sound; let's keep going, just you and just me".'

'As we did,' mused the old hag.

'Somewhat different, I think,' I replied.

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