Friday 26 July 2013

Nescio (31)


The priestess decided to speak with the gods. The chance of them listening? Against all the odds. (But, she thought that she'd give it a go.)

She said:

'My Lords, I think that you probably know, the sister I mentioned is feeling quite low. I think I would like to reach out and assist her. She misses her lover as well as her brother.'

The priestess was anxious the gods would see red but - surprise and delight - they smiled and then said:

'You're right you old slut, the sister's quite sad. We feel in our gut we should make her be glad. Pray, tell us, just how do you think we should act?'

But the fact was the gods' kindness came just too late. The sister had already executed her fate.

The priestess lamented the loss of the daughter; she felt she had failed, not done what she oughta.

The priestess, she fell to her arthritic knees. She wondered how people kept faith; could believe.

And, then, suddenly terribly burst into tears.

The End

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