The priestess woke up.
Her sight was still blurred.
Her kidneys were aching.
Her tongue yellow-furred.
She stared at the ceiling, all ridden with worm. She wondered, 'oh, my - what have I become?'
She crawled into the bathroom and stared in the mirror. Though partially-sighted, she stepped back in horror when she saw her reflection.
On closer inspection, she changed her mind (notwithstanding the fact she was partially blind).
On closer inspection she changed her mind:
'If I nurture myself, if I learn to be nice, if I practise compassion and take some advice; if I colour my hair and start to dress smart (dress classy, that is, and not like a tart). If I apply a foundation and then lose some weight, perhaps, my self-loathing will start to abate?
'Perhaps, after all, it's not all too late?'
The priestess decides to take some time out; time to be quiet, time to hang out. Quality 'me-time', to use the vernacular: nothing extravagant, nothing spectacular.
Just a couple of weeks without any contact.