'So, we've now been told we have to get tweeting; the powers that be are tired of our bleating. We have to twitter our every success, but I hate all this crowing; prefer mooing and lowing. After all, I'm a cow, and HE is a mess.'
'Really? (She's alluded to her bovine status previously, I believe.)'
'Well, I own that I'm prone to carping and braying but I confess that these days my nerves are just fraying.'
'Bless. . . (He's definitely repeating himself.)
'There are those that chit-chat and those that cluck, but it's the latter who always pass the buck. You've spotted, I'm sure, it's the ones with the trotters who turn out to be the absolute rotters? It's the ones with their snouts dug deep in the dirt who manage to get you just where it hurts.'
'Meow. . .
'I say, something's really got your goat. You've only been asked to boast some, and gloat. If you don't, be careful, you may miss the boat. There are plenty more fish in the sea.'
'So I see. But, really, don't you think we ought to warn the small-fry they're just lambs to the slaughter? In the meantime, don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Remember your tweets will need to be matched by proof that what you've done has had significant (REF) impact.'